What is renewable energy? The benefits of renewable energy .
RENEWABLE ENERGY *** Biogas (plant and animal) *** The wind *** The tide of water *** Solar energy ***The benefits of renewable energy are in the context of West Bengal What is renewable energy? : Limitations From the renewable name you can easily understand what it means. Which can be implemented. In this case, by using something to produce energy, it is possible to produce energy again by that thing. That is, renewable energy is the source of energy that users use repeatedly. One of these is sunlight, biogas, water, wind, tidal waves, ground pressure, etc. Below we describe the components of biogas, solar energy, tidal and renewable energy from wind: Biogas (plant and animal) The excrement of cows, goats, horses and buffaloes has been used as fuel since ancient times. These excrements of animals are a kind of source of energy. In different countries of the world, heat energy is generated by drying and burning dried dung. One of the elements or waste materi...